Hope for Indianna
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Hope for Indianna
Indianna was born with congenital heart disease hypoplastic left heart syndrome. Her mum, Carmen, shares her story.

Each week 28 people need time-critical aeromedical care. With your support, the Westpac Rescue Helicopter and Air Ambulance Planes are there in their moment of need.
Indi has had three open heart bypass surgeries along with several other procedures in her short six years. At just four days old she had her first open heart surgery. Life Flight’s Air Ambulance Plane was there afterward to carefully fly her to care closer to home.
We were so grateful for the care the Life Flight team took to help our wee, fragile girl.
When I look back at those photos it’s still hard to believe we went through so much with her – and we know there’s still a big journey ahead as well. She will need a heart transplant at some stage. But we just take each day as it rolls around and deal with what we have to when needed. She really is such a feisty, beautiful little girl.
I can remember, back in the days when Indi was a baby, looking for older kids who were a little further down their journey than us. Those stories give you great hope.
Indi is now in school, about to start gymnastics and is a full-on girl with a true zest for life. I thought others might be inspired to see our tiny wee baby who is now a big girl. Her middle name is Hope, after all.
Every time I see Life Flight’s Air Ambulance Plane, or Westpac Rescue Helicopter, I feel a sense of pride. You look out the window and see those amazing people doing their job and just think how important and how cool they are.
Thanks for everything you do. You guys are true angels of the skies!